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Raymond Mill Laboratorium Produsen
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Keterangan RAYMOND MILL SPESIFICATION : -Electromotor 3 Phases 2 HP / 1, 5 KW -220 – 380 VAC -50 Hz 2 Pole -8 pieces special steel grade Hammer Mill -Mill Rotate : 7000 RPM -capacity : 4 liter -Dimension : 106 x 46 x 68 cm .
Alat Mining Indonesia. a. laboratorium preparasi batubara b. laboratorium preparasi emas c. penelitian lapangan geologi a. laboratorium preparasi batubara 1. jaw crusher 2. raymond mill 3. ro-tap sieve shaker 4. hardgrove grindability index ( hgi) 5. rotary sample divider 6. sample spliter 7. drying sheed/ drying oven 8. double roller crusher/ single roller crusher 9
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